
I mostly write about software and electronics! Here's a list of entries...

Setting up a M93p mini offsite backup server, with power and cost calculations

I set up a low-power and low-cost off-site backup server. With power measurements and rough numbers for the ongoing cost. Read more…

My First Ludum Dare Game: Olive Harvest in Ludum Dare 52

I finally rose to the challenge and wrote a game for Ludum Dare. Read more…

QuickPeep: My work-in-progress small-scale web search engine

I started making a small-scale web search engine that focusses on small-scale, interesting sites. Read more…

Forgot10: My application for note-taking and general information tracking

I've been working on some glorified note-taking software, with 'offline-first' support and peer-to-peer collaborative editing. Read more…

An analogy between Rust's closures and structs

Understanding how Rust's closures work and correspond to structs + traits may give some intuition. Read more…

RSVR: Experimental Virtual Reality in Rust

I attempted to make a proof-of-concept, toy VR system with Rust. Read more…